Factors affecting intent to immigration among Iranian health workers in 2016
Immigration, Manpower, Delivery of Health care, IranAbstract
Background: Loss of human resources in the health sector through migration has caused many problems in the delivery of healthcare services in developing countries.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine factors influencing intention to migrate in skilled human resources in Iran’s healthcare sector.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in 2016 in Iran. The study population included health sector human resources at the Tehran and Iran University of Medical Sciences. Using multi-stage cluster sampling, 827 people were selected for participation. Participants included four groups: hospital staff, health workers, medical students, and postgraduate students (Masters and PhD). Data were collected using a valid and reliable questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive parameters, chi-square and logistic regression test using SPSS version 18.
Results: Inclination to migrate, in the study population, was 54.77%. There was a significant relationship between inclination to migrate and age, work experience, employment status, marital status, familiarity with a foreign language, foreign language skills, foreign language courses, having relatives or family living abroad, and prior experience of being abroad (p<0.05). The most important factors influencing inclination to migrate were: reaching out for better life (81.92±21.95), interdisciplinary discrimination (80.83±20.75), and experience of living and studying abroad. (80.55±18.12),
Conclusion: Considering the high rate of intention to emigrate in the studied population (54.77%), a lot of whom will emigrate if their situation is ready, it can be a serious problem for the health system in the near future in which it will face lack of skilled health workers, and so requires more attention of health sector authorities.
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