Factors contributing to fear of childbirth among pregnant women in Hamadan (Iran) in 2016


  • Batoul Khodakarami M.Sc. of Midwifery, Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran


Childbirth fear, Pregnancy, Related factors


Background: Fear of childbirth is a considerable mental, social, and physiological phenomenon among women as well as their families, which can be effective in choosing cesarean section for delivery. 

Aim: To determine some factors contributing to the fear of childbirth among pregnant women.

Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 335 pregnant women referred to health centers in Toyserkan in 2016. Pregnant women with the gestational age of 16-40 weeks filled out Harman’s Childbirth Attitude Questionnaire (CAQ) as well as stating demographic and obstetrics characteristics. Data were analyzed by Software SPSS/19 through chi-square, ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation tests.

Results: The mean age and mean gestational age of the pregnant women were 26.5±4.9 years old and 26.52 weeks, respectively; 89.3% of the women reported fear of childbirth. There was a significant difference among the mean scores of the women’s fear of childbirth and education level, household income adequacy, gravidity, being familiar with the delivery process, and pre-pregnancy cares (p<0.05). 

Conclusion: The present study found the relationship between women’s fear of childbirth and their education level, household income, gravidity, familiarity with delivery process, and pre-pregnancy cares. It is necessary for health caregivers to take into consideration the vulnerable groups, especially nulliparous women during pre-pregnancy care as well as the social, and cultural status of women in order to identify the pregnant women exposed to fear of childbirth and reduce the chance of choosing cesarean section by providing appropriate services.


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