Pattern and factors associated with cardiovascular diseases among patients attending the cardiac center in Arar City, Northern Saudi Arabia
Cardiovascular diseases; Pattern, Smoking, Thyroid dysfunctionAbstract
Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are among the main causes of premature death and hospital admission worldwide, constituting a great economic burden on health care systems. Additionally, thyroid diseases may exert a deleterious effect on the outcomes of CVD patients.
Aim: This study was conducted to identify the pattern and factors associated with CVD distribution and the relation with thyroid dysfunction in the study population.
Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted on 181 participants in the cardiac center in Arar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), from September 2016 to March 2017. A questionnaire was designed for collecting data about socio-demographic variables, smoking, types of CVD, and thyroid dysfunction among participants.
Results: Findings showed that 42.5% of the participants were hypertensive, 11.6% had myocardial infarction, 8.9% were ischemic and 7.2 % had arrhythmia. The majority of participants (80.6%) were euthyroid. In contrast, 13.3% of the participants had hypothyroidism and 6.1% were hyperthyroid. Most of the studied factors had no significant effect on CVD distribution while smoking showed a remarkable variation among patients with different CVD types (p=0.013). Data were analyzed by SPSS version 15, using descriptive statistics and Chi-square test.
Conclusion: Our findings indicated the urgent need for stressing on tobacco use control measures and increasing public awareness about hazards of tobacco especially among CVD patients.
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